Dewatering: deep well system
dewatering: deep well systemA deep well system consists of an array of bored wells pumped by submersible pumps. The wells act in concert the interaction between the cone of draw down created by each well results in groundwater lowering over a wide area. Deep well De-watering differs from Well Point (also known as spear point) systems in that the deep wells contain submersible pumps placed strategically inside the site boundaries to provide a dry site for excavation and construction.
A deep well is installed using an outer and inner caisson. The void between the outer and inner caisson is packed with gravel to act as a filter medium. The inner caisson is slotted to allow for ingress of water. Submersible pumps are lowered into the inner caisson to allow for high head pumping. The pumps are engineered to withstand the aggressive corrosion factors associated with use over sustained periods of time in a saline environment. The GEOMAC groundwater filtration system is generally used in conjunction with the De-watering system to deliver the best quality discharge of water into the nominated discharge point. A De-watering Management Plan (DMP) is mandatory prior to commencement of De-watering to co-ordinate the correct method of discharge and the approved water quality guidelines for each individual site. This is a responsibility of the client. GEOMAC works closely with environmental consultants on a daily basis to ensure the client’s environmental requirements are met and the DMP guidelines are stringently followed whilst delivering the most efficient and economical De-watering solution to the client. Thorough, Reliable GEOMAC is Bahrain’s leading De-watering specialist. We provide efficient, thorough and environmentally-friendly site De-watering that meets, and often exceeds the EPA guidelines relevant to the Local, State and Federal governments. Our Deep Well De-watering program is especially suited to major high-rise buildings that are expected to be under construction for up to 12 months or more. We also provide deep well systems in a range of civil applications and various other deep excavations throughout Bahrain. Our experienced team works with the site construction team to strategically position wells around the site. The GEOMAC deep well system economically and reliably lowers the water table with little disruption to the construction and building progress. |